A Dinosaur Made Me Spill: A Water Cycle Adventure by Carla Mae Jansen

The water cycle is one of my favorite science units to teach to my second and third graders. There are lots of fun STEM experiments and children's books to make learning about the water cycle exciting. Carla Mae Jansen is in the process of publishing her new children's book about the water cycle... A Dinosaur Made Me Spill... that would be a fun addition to the unit. Its release is planned for this upcoming summer (2022). In today's guest post, author Carla Mae Jansen writes about A Dinosaur Made Me Spill, how she came up with the idea for the book, and how you can preorder it on Kickstarter. Keep reading to learn more!

Help your students learn about the water cycle with A Dinosaur Made Me Spill, an educational science story by Carla Mae Jansen. 2nd and 3rd grade.

This is a guest post written by Carla Mae Jansen, author of A Dinosaur Made Me Spill. To learn more about guest posts, please visit the Authors, Publishers, and Sponsors page. Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Guest Post by Carla Jansen

Did you know that every drop of water you drink has been on earth for millions of years already? Sofia does, and she’s ready to use that knowledge to save her tea party!

A Dinosaur Made Me Spill: A Water Cycle Adventure uses a tea party, dinosaurs, and ridiculous humor to introduce the water cycle! The fun begins when Sofia slips on an ice cube and makes a horrible mess in the middle of the tea party. She begins an epic explanation of why the mess is a dinosaur’s fault and, with Destiny’s help, weaves the water cycle into her story!

A Dinosaur Made Me Spill: A Water Cycle Adventure by Carla Mae Jansen

This splash full of fun actually began more than 15 years ago when I was teaching the rock cycle to 8th graders. I thought we needed some fun picture books to go with the Earth science topics we were covering. A Dinosaur Made Me Sneeze was my first picture book -- it uses humor to teach about the rock cycle! And now A Dinosaur Made Me Spill is ready to bring the water cycle to the world! There will be one more dinosaur book to teach some awesome science concepts, but… it’s still a secret!

If you have kids that love dinosaurs or tea parties, or if you teach Earth science topics, I would love to share this book with you! I’m especially excited about it because it has girls excited about science in it. The vast majority of children’s picture books right now feature boys who know science, so I am delighted to be adding a book with smart girls in it to the world’s collection of children’s literature!

A Dinosaur Made Me Spill: A Water Cycle Adventure by Carla Mae Jansen

Pre-orders are only open for a few more days, so now is the time to grab all the goodies that you can get while it’s on Kickstarter!

And if you want to stay current with me, I’d love to invite you to join my VIP email list! I send out free coloring pages, launch announcements, book discounts, and more! You can follow me at Powol Packets and Turtle Trails Publishing. I also post frequently on Facebook and Instagram!

Happy Educating!


Author Carla Mae Jansen

Carla Mae Jansen is a certified teacher and a certified National Geographic Educator. She has a Bachelors's degree in Biology Composite Teaching and a Master's degree in Science Education (with an emphasis in geosciences). Jansen also holds certifications for early childhood and elementary school. She currently lives in Virginia with her husband and five children. A Dinosaur Made Me Spill is Jansen's fourth children's book.

About A Dinosaur Made Me Spill

🍎 Author's Summary: A Dinosaur Made Me Spill is a fast-paced, humor-filled, science story that brings a party, dinosaurs, and a skink together to introduce the water cycle in a silly environment filled with friends, food, and... disaster!

🍎 Author: Carla Mae Jansen
🍎 Illustrator: Natasha Kostovska
🍎 Publisher: Turtle Trails Publishing LLC
🍎 Anticipated Release Date: Summer 2022
🍎 Pages: 36

A Dinosaur Made Me Spill: A Water Cycle Adventure by Carla Mae Jansen

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