The Adventures of Little Miss History by Barbara Ann Mojica

I recently learned about The Adventures of Little Miss History... a children's book series by Barbara Ann Mojica.  Little Miss History is a middle school student who travels around the world to learn as much as she can.  In today's guest post, Barbara Ann Mojica introduces us to Little Miss History and tells us more about the books in her series.  Keep reading!

Learn about the children's book series The Adventures of Little Miss History by Barbara Ann Mojica. Books include Battleship Iowa and Mount Vernon.

The following is a guest post written by Barbara Ann Mojica. To learn more about guest posts, please visit the Authors, Publishers, and Sponsors page. Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Guest Post by Barbara Ann Mojica

One becomes a character in history at birth. History is full of blazing drama and emotions and kids can be real heroes if they understand where they came from, how the past shaped them, and how they can use what they have learned to create a better future. Kids will see that leaders come in all shapes and sizes, just like kids, and that life is filled with success and failures. Hop on board with Little Miss History and see how knowing history opens a window to understanding the present and building a brighter tomorrow.

The Adventures of Little Miss History by Barbara Ann Mojica

Magical mountains carved with faces, mysterious murders, giant trees and secret submarines are just a few things that kids will learn about when they open a Little Miss History book.

Little Miss History: Ellis Island by Barbara Ann Mojica

The entertaining Little Miss History series of 13 books including Tombstone, Mt. Vernon, FDR Hyde Park, The North Pole, and her newest release Battleship Iowa make reading nonfiction a fun-filled adventure for elementary school and middle school readers. Not only are the stories compelling, but the illustrations mixed with real photos keep readers intrigued. Dressed like a wannabe park ranger character, Little Miss History takes kids on whirlwind adventures around the world and shows them iconic places that we all treasure.

Little Miss History: Battleship Iowa by Barbara Ann Mojica

Barbara Ann Mojica, author of Little Miss History

Author Barbara Ann Mojica, M.A. S.A.S., S.D.A., had a career that spanned forty years serving as a teacher, special educator, principal, and school district administrator. Barbara writes monthly historical articles for the Columbia Insider under the banner "Passages" and maintains that literacy is the heart of knowledge. Barbara's mission is to provide teachers, parents, and students with all the resources they need to inspire, educate, and entertain with the tools needed to become informed citizens and leaders of their communities who will use their historical and cultural knowledge to make the world a better place, one citizen at a time.

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