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The following is a guest post written by Betina Baptist. To learn more about
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Guest Post by Betina Baptist
Don’t be a Grouchy Goose!!! I am sure you have heard or said this expression at least once in your life? I found myself saying it aloud to an actual goose one day. It was quite funny how it happened. I was walking my dog, Scrappy Doo, around a lake when I saw a goose herding other geese. He was herding them like sheep, while he honked, honked, honked, and fussed at them loudly. His feathers were all ruffled up and it looked as though his eyebrows (Do geese have eyebrows?) were drawn uptight. He looked, acted, and sounded extremely grouchy... and a little scary!! I saw him do this on several occasions. I noticed when he wasn’t being grouchy he was sitting all alone. This made me so sad for him. The other geese sat together in a big group. I told this goose, as I walked by him (in fear), You are not going to have any friends and will continue to sit all alone if you don't quit being a Grouchy Goose! The moment those words came out of my mouth I knew I had to write about this goose and his struggles.
After my encounter with the “grouchy goose” at the lake, I decided to write
Grouchy Goose, the book. It was written for children to help them
understand and recognize what it means to be grouchy. Of course, I had to give
Grouchy Goose a friend, so he meets a talkative goose named Gossipy Goose.
She, just like Grouchy Goose, has her own set of problems!
As a mother, I understand the heartbreak a parent feels when they see their
child struggling with making friends. It is hard to see a child sitting alone
at a table or being left out on the playground. Maybe we can help children by
teaching them the proper way to act, behave, and carry themselves around other
people. We need to teach children that having good manners and a good attitude
truly does matter. In the book, Grouchy Goose and Gossipy Goose learn that
being grouchy or gossipy can keep you from making and keeping friends.
Sometimes children need examples of what being grouchy is: Yelling or talking
loudly, having a grouchy expression, stomping around with your fists clenched,
and pointing fingers are all signs of being grouchy… Grouchy Goose does all of
that in the book. The good thing is we can choose not to be grouchy or
gossipy. So, put a smile on your face, and let’s help our kiddos conquer their
Grouchy Goose or Gossipy Goose within…after all, we all have one!!!

Book Description
Grouchy Goose is a funny, rhyming tale about two “unknowingly” misbehaved geese who help each other figure out the key to making friends. They learn together that being grouchy or gossipy are not good qualities to have if they want to be invited to play with the other geese. It is a lesson on how to behave, act, and treat others properly in order to gain and keep friends. Adults can also benefit from reading Grouchy Goose because we all get a little grouchy sometimes! The book has colorful pictures, large letters for easy reading, cute characters, and a moral to the story... Don’t be a grouchy or gossipy goose if you want to be invited to play!🍎 Date: July 25, 2019
🍎 Pages: 28

Lessons from Grouchy Goose
The world with all its worries and woes has made us all a little edgy and
sometimes a little grouchy. Did you know you can be in a habit of being
grouchy? It is true! When this happens, we need to remind ourselves to think
positive thoughts, say positive things, and always look for the good in
others and in the world around us. (Eating a bit of chocolate helps

Children can have fun learning about the different expressions we humans sometimes have on our faces. We can look mad, sad, happy, grouchy, scared, surprised, and even disgusted. If possible, have the children see their reflections in a mirror. Allow them to make each expression listed. Talk to them about how each expression makes them feel and how it may make other people feel. Grouchy Goose did not realize he looked grouchy until he saw his reflection in the water.
If you cannot get a mirror for kids to see their reflections in, then you can make the faces. This exercise should be fun because kids love it when their teachers, parents, or caregivers have fun and act silly. Have them tell you what expression you are doing and how you must be feeling. Ask them how that expression makes them feel.

Did you enjoy reading about Grouchy Goose? If so, check out these
blog posts for more children's books about kindness and friendship:
- Book: The Smiley Girl by Emmanuel Ndayishimiye and Ornella Ngabire
- Book + Printable: All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly
- Book: The Mermaid and the Grumpy Old Clam by Kirk Kirkpatrick
- Book + Craft: Will You Always Be Here? by Nadine Damo
- Book: My Sister Emma by Gina Conger
- Book + Printable: What Are We? A Story by Quacker and Striper by WD Smith
- Book + Craft: Keko and the Lost Bananas by Cynthia Pilcher