What will happen if you dip a white dandelion into a glass of water?
We think the seeds will fall off of the dandelion's head and float in the
- white dandelions
- water
- glass or cup
- Collect white dandelions from outside.
- Fill a cup with water.
- Dip a dandelion into the water.
- Hold the dandelion underwater for a few seconds. Keep the dandelion still.
- Carefully remove the dandelion from the water and observe.
- Repeat if desired.
My son and I tried this experiment twice. The first time we dipped the
dandelion into the water, all most all of the seeds stayed attached to the
dandelion's head. Only a few fell off. The second time we dipped
the dandelion's head into the water, roughly half of the seeds fell off.
Dandelion seeds
are hydrophobic (water-resistant/repellent). Being
hydrophobic makes it difficult... but not impossible... for water to get
between the seeds and separate them from the dandelion's head.
Did you enjoy reading about the dandelion STEM challenge? If so, read these
posts about dandelions and other plants:
- Facts: Five Fun Facts About Dandelions
- Craft + STEM: Learning About Dandelion Life Cycles
- Book: Love Grows Love by Lauren Grabois Fischer
- STEM: Pumpkin Life Cycle STEM Activity
- STEM: How Do Seeds Travel?
- STEM: What Happens When You Plant Birdseed?
- Book: Broccoli Rob and the Garden Singers by John S. Armstrong
- Craft: How to Make Earth Day Seed Bombs