All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

Last month, Vincent Kelly released his children's book called All People Are BeautifulAll People Are Beautiful is a cheerful, delightful story that will put a smile on your face and make you feel good inside.  It has bright illustrations and features children from all over the world.  Keep reading to learn more about All People Are Beautiful and how you can use it in your classroom.

Lesson plan ideas for the children's book All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly. Language Arts, geography, multicultural. Free printable in post.

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Author's Summary

An important book for early readers that highlights the beauty of our differences. All people are beautiful. All cultures are beautiful. All languages are beautiful. Celebrating our differences is beautiful. What better way to talk about diversity and acceptance than with bright colors, fun artwork and interactive ways children can enjoy while they read. Enjoy learning a few new words in different languages and even use your creativity in some of the in-book activities!

🍎🌍 Title: All People Are Beautiful
🍎🌍 Author: Vincent Kelly
🍎🌍 Illustrator: Cha Consul
🍎🌍 Publisher: Greater You Books
🍎🌍 Date: April 2, 2021
🍎🌍 Pages: 32

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

Language Arts Minilesson

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly is a terrific book to read in the classroom at the beginning of the school year when you are working with your students to create a positive and nurturing classroom environment.  Of course... you can read it any time during the school year and it will be just as good!

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

Before reading All People Are Beautiful with your students, take a few minutes to talk about the word beautifulBeautiful can be used to describe a person's physical appearance... but it can also be used to describe a person's character and personality.  The Learner's Dictionary by Merriam-Webster describes beautiful as: 

beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ adjective
1. having beauty, very attractive in a physical way
2. very good or pleasing, not having any bad qualities

As you read All People Are Beautiful with your students, talk about the text and the illustrations with them.  Ask your students how all people can be beautiful if everybody is unique?  Is the author Vincent Kelly writing about physical beauty, inner beauty, or both?  If time allows, record your students' responses on an anchor chart.  

Other vocabulary words to introduce include:
  • diversity
  • similar + similarities
  • different + differences
  • community
  • family + friendship

Free Printable

If your children enjoy drawing and coloring, they may enjoy drawing a picture of one of their friends or classmates and describing what makes that him/her beautiful.  Encourage your students to write about their friend's inner beauty and not just their physical beauty.  If time allows, ask for volunteers to introduce their friends and read what they wrote.  Feel free to download and use this simple worksheet with your students.  Enjoy!

Free Printable by Kelly Wilson/Kelly's Classroom Online

To download a FREE copy of this language arts printable (one page in all), please click on the image above. Clicking this image will take you to the Teachers-Pay-Teachers third-party website. This is a FREE download-- no purchase necessary.

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

Geography Minilesson

The children in All People Are Beautiful come from different countries and speak different languages.  Some are wearing traditional clothes and others are wearing their street clothes.  Pull out a map or a globe of the world.  Help your students find where the children in All People Are Beautiful come from.  Can they find the United States?  Brazil?  Spain?  How about China?  Tanzania?  France?  Or The Netherlands?  Where do you and your students live?  Help them find your country.  Where is it in relation to the countries mentioned in the book?

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

To learn more about All People Are Beautiful, please visit Vincent Kelly's website at Greater You Books

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