How to Make Earth Day Seed Bombs

Earth Day is almost here... are you looking for an easy-to-make craft your students and children can make?  Stevie Rae from 🌱🌍 Funtimes Daily Fun and Learning 🌍🌱 and her family recently made some Earth Day-themed seed bombs using items that can be purchased inexpensively at a dollar store.  In this guest post, Stevie Rae describes how they made their seed bombs and shares some of the photos she took along the way.  Thanks, Stevie!

Learn how to make seed bombs from construction paper and flower seeds with this easy DIY Earth Day themed seed bomb recipe. #kellysclassroomonline

The following is a guest post by Stevie Rae.  To learn more about sponsored posts, please visit the Authors, Publishers, and Sponsors page.  Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

How to Make Earth Day Seed Bombs

These fun and biodegradable seed bombs are perfect for those kiddos who are into arts and crafts as well as cultivating the Earth!  ⭐ Keep reading to learn more! ⭐

Earth Day Seed Bomb Recipe

Earth Day Seed Bomb Recipe

What We Did:

 First, I cut the paper into squares and separated the colors into the bowls. (If you have scraps of construction paper from other projects laying around, feel free to  recycle  those instead!)
 Next, we filled the bowls with water. Don't use too much water, it will make the paper too mushy. Use your judgment.
 After letting it soak for 20 minutes, I added the first bowl of paper to the blender and shredded it into a pulp. Then I returned the paper to the bowl. 
 Next, we rinsed the blender and repeated these steps with the rest of the colors.
 Once we had our pulps, we added some of our favorite flower seeds to each bowl.
 Next, we rolled the green pulp into a ball, squeezing the excess water out. We added bits of blue and white to make the earthy coloring. 
 Next, we let them dry for a couple days!

Earth Day Seed Bomb Recipe

🌱🌍 I can't wait until we throw them on Earth Day! 🌍🌱

Stevie Rae is the creator and host of the Funtimes Daily Fun and Learning group on Facebook.  To learn more about Stevie Rae's group, click on the image below!

Funtimes Earth Day Seed Bomb Recipe

Did you enjoy learning how to make Earth Day seed bombs? If so, check out these blog posts about more recycling crafts and related children's books: