Crackle and Pop! Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda

In January 2021, Hanna Holwerda released Crackle and Pop! Bible Science Experiments for parents, teachers, and children who want to integrate science instruction with the stories in the Bible. There are 100+ STEM experiments and science activities in the book that can be completed at home or at school, and many of them use materials that you may already have.  You can also get many of these items inexpensively at a dollar store.  Keep reading to learn more about Crackle and Pop!

Crackle and Pop: Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda integrates STEM activities with Bible Stories. Post includes a sink and float experiment.

If you are looking for the Sink or Float STEM experiment + free printable, they have been moved to a blog post of their own.  You can find them at Sink or Float with Oil and Water.
Disclosure: Affiliate links to Amazon are included in this post.

Author Summary

Create an explosion after reading a Bible story!  Discover a fun, practical way to encourage children to engage with the Bible and the good news of Jesus with more than 100 lively science and technology activities. For each experiment, there are clear explanations, questions to think about, extra information as well as details of the related stories from the Bible to make memorable connections.  The experiments are suitable to do at home, at school, at a party, or in a church group. Useful tips help to make the activities easy and safe to set up with everyday materials and equipment.

🍎 Author: Hanna Holwerda
🍎 Publisher: Lion Hudson Children's Books
🍎 Date: January 21, 2021
🍎 Pages: 160

Crackle and Pop: Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda integrates STEM activities with Bible Stories. Post includes a sink and float experiment.

About Crackle and Pop!

There are 100+ experiments and activities in Crackle and Pop! that can be integrated with the Old and New Testaments.  Each STEM experiment and activity can be completed alone or combined with a story from the Bible.  The image below shows only a small portion of what you can find in the book.  Homeschooling families, private school teachers, camp counselors, and church group leaders would be able to find lots of things to do in this book!  

Crackle and Pop: Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda integrates STEM activities with Bible Stories. Post includes a sink and float experiment.

Note: Because of the Christian nature of Crackle and Pop!, public school teachers and teachers in Jewish and Muslim private schools may or may not find this book helpful.  There are a lot of terrific STEM ideas in Crackle and Pop!, but you may need to pick and choose which experiments and activities you can use in the classroom.

Crackle and Pop: Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda integrates STEM activities with Bible Stories. Post includes a sink and float experiment.

Bible Stories

On each double-page spread in the Crackle and Pop, Hanna Holwerda presents you with a passage from the Bible and several STEM and science activities parents and teachers can integrate with it.  For example, there is a collection of Noah's Ark-themed activities to go with Genesis 7 and 8 (See Endless Rain in the above photo).  The author suggests that you read the story of Noah's Ark with your students to set the stage for the experiments.  You can either read the story directly from the Bible or from one of the countless picture books available online.

Crackle and Pop: Bible Science Experiments by Hanna Holwerda integrates STEM activities with Bible Stories. Post includes a sink and float experiment.

Did you enjoy reading about Crackle and Pop! Bible Science Experiments? If so, check out these blog posts for more science and STEM experiments: