What is Dorktales Storytime Podcast?
Dorktales Storytime Podcast is classic children’s fairy tales told with a geek-ish twist! Jonathan Cormur is the host (and storyteller) of the family-fun podcast featuring geeky-retellings of fairy tale classics and true tales about the Hidden Heroes of History. Think fractured fairy tales meets Big Bang Theory and the History Detectives!In Dorktales Storytime Podcast, Jonathan is joined by his plucky puppet sidekick, Mr. Reginald T. Hedgehog (or “Mr. Redge,” if you prefer) to tell goofier versions of tales that have delighted kids for generations.
The shows are suitable for preschool and early elementary school ages and are an excellent way to keep kids engaged and learning while having loads of giggles and entertainment.
You may recognize Jonathan from his work with his mom, Jodi, from Geek Club Books and Zoom Autism Magazine. His new podcast for kids, Dorktales Storytime Podcast, showcases his career as a successful voice actor who also happens to be on the spectrum.
Current Episodes
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP1: What are Dorktales?
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/dorktales-podcast-introduction/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP2: Three Little Hogs?! by Karen Simpson Gardiner
The Three Little…HOGS? Who’s heard of that? According to Mr. Redge, our Dorktales sidekick, it’s a classic tale from the fairy tale cannon! Come hear our storyteller recount the story of hedgehogs Porky, Percy and Peregrin, and their ultimate triumph over the dastardly wolf using a glue pot, rapier, and a wheelbarrow. According to Percy, “It’s epic, man!”
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/dorktales-three-little-hogs/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP3: Little Red by Karen Simpson Gardiner
La, la, la, la-la! Have you heard the tale of Little Red Riding Hood? You know, the one about the sweet, innocent little girl in the beautiful red cloak who outfoxes the big bad wolf? Well, forget that one and think ninja granny with a stealthy rescue plan and fierce tranquilizer dart skills.
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/dorktales-little-red/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP4: RumpleTaleSpin by Amy Thompson
“Rump, who?” asks Mr. Redge as Jonathan spins the tall tale of Daphne, the Miller’s daughter, who must spin thread into gold for a greedy king. It’s an epic yarn involving a magical lawn gnome, a clever guessing game, and a Wizard of Oz ending!
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/dorktales-rumpletalespin/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP5: Mary Golda Ross (Hidden Heroes of History) by Molly Murphy
The true tale of a woman who reached for the stars! Mary Golda Ross was one of the first women to rise in the ranks of engineering and one of the first Native Americans in the field. Her work in the early days of spaceflight was very important and is still to this day.
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/mary-golda-ross/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP6: The Prickly Duckling by Amy Thompson
After the quacks and croaks of laughter from his siblings and
bullying bullfrog, the poor little duckling waddles off through the
marshes to find someone who will accept and love him. What about the
gaggle of goslings? Or the brood of chicks? “No one understands me!
I’ll never fit in,” he cries until he bumps into the best version of
Episode webpage: https://jonincharacter.com/prickly-duckling/
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP7: The Emperor’s New Quills by Amy Thompson
Is the fancy fabric for the emperor’s new clothes really invisible to those who are not worthy? Or is this a case of double-dealing dupery by two wily weavers? As the emperor struts his stylish self through the streets of his kingdom, it will take one forthright boy to blurt out the naked truth.
Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP8: Louis Armstrong (Hidden Heroes of History) by Molly Murphy
A tale of Mississippi riverboats, parasol parades, and breaking racial barriers! A man that built a music legacy and a legacy beyond music—Louis Armstrong transformed jazz music and became the beloved “Ambassador Satch” who performed all over the world! So much of his life was about a deep passion for music and using it to bring people together.Coming Soon
🍎 Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP9: The Boy Who Cried Hedgewolf🍎 Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP10: Ready, Set, Slow!
🍎 Dorktales Storytime Podcast EP11: Tenzing Norgay Hidden Heroes of History