Ida’s Witness by Karl Beckstrand
Dorktales Storytime Podcast by Jonathan Cormur
That's Not Fair! Why Must I Cut My Hair? by Paul M. Bowen
Soar by Hillary Daecher
10+ Children's Books about Animal Poop
Make a Wish on a Fish by Jennie Wiley
What's My Instrument? by Johnny Oddsocks
Great Cape o’ Colors by Karl Beckstrand
There is A Girl Headed to the White House by Dr. Jasmine Killiebrew, Ph.D.
Kelly Stays Home: The Science of Coronavirus by Lauren Block and Adam Block
The United States had its first reported case of coronavirus back in January 2020 and life has changed dramatically since then. We've needed to change the way we do everything... where we can go... who we can see... what we wear on our faces... how far apart we can stand from other people... etc. It's a lot to take in and the reasons why we have to do these things don't always make sense to children. As teachers, we know children will come to us to ask their questions, and sometimes their questions are hard to answer. Lauren Block MD-MPH and Adam E. Block Ph.D. wrote Kelly Stays Home: The Science of Coronavirus to help children find the answers to their questions and to give them the explanations they need. Keep reading to learn more about their book and how we can use Kelly Stays Home in our classrooms.