You don't have to have expensive science equipment to engage children in
meaningful science activities at home. In fact, you don't have to spend
much money at all. In this blog post, I'll share with you five items
that you may already have in your kitchen. If you don't have them
already, you can find them in grocery stores and dollar stores near you.
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1. Baking Soda
Baking soda is an inexpensive item that you can buy in the grocery
store. I often see it for less than $1.00 per box. Not only does
baking soda absorb bad odors in your refrigerator, but it can also be used to
make volcanoes (vinegar + baking soda), trendy bath bombs, and elephant
2. Vinegar
Vinegar is another inexpensive item that can be purchased in large
quantities. In addition to making volcanoes with vinegar, you can use
vinegar to rubberize chicken bones and even dissolve the shell off of a
chicken egg to see what is inside!
3. Cornstarch
Cornstarch is the main ingredient in many slime recipes, which are the rage
among children right now. Cornstarch can also be used to make oobleck
and quicksand.
4. Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola is highly acidic and can be used in many dissolving
experiments. For example, you can take tarnished and dirty coins and
soak them in Coca-Cola all night. In the morning, they will be shiny and
look new.
5. Eggs
Eggs can be used in a variety of experiments. You can use eggs to teach
about dental care and the need to brush your teeth. Simply soak some
eggs overnight in coffee, tea, Coca-Cola, etc. overnight. In the morning
they should be discolored. Take a toothbrush and toothpaste and try
brushing the eggs' surfaces. Were they easy to clean? Try soaking
the eggs again for two or three nights. How much harder was it to clean
the surfaces? Were you able to completely dissolve them? What does
this teach us about taking care of our teeth?
What other science materials can you think of that are lurking in your kitchen
as we speak? What would you add to this list? Tell us in the
comments below!
(Next Article:
What is Labor Day?)