The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland

Hooray!  Purim will be here in a few short weeks!  If you are looking for a children's book about Purim to read with your students, you've come to the right place.  I found the book for you.  It's called The Better-Than-Best Purim and is written by Naomi Howland.

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.
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Author Summary

Purim is coming! It’s time for the little old lady to bake better-than-best hamantashen. But when she asks her pets to help, they’re all too busy. What could they be up to? Soon the little old lady will find out! Author-illustrator Naomi Howland’s bright artwork perfectly illustrates this sweet Purim tale.

🍎 Author: Naomi Howland
🍎 Illustrator: Naomi Howland
🍎 Publisher: Two Lions
🍎 Date: November 6, 2012
🍎 Pages: 32

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.

What is Purim?

Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from Haman’s plot to annihilate all the Jews... young and old, infants and women... in a single day.  When Jewish people celebrate Purim, they remember the role Queen Esther played in their salvation.  It is a joyous occasion when people celebrate by dressing up in costumes, performing mitzvahs (good deeds), reading the Megillah (the Book of Esther), and feasting with family and friends. 

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.

The Better-Than-Best Purim

Making and eating hamantashen is a delicious Purim tradition and is the basis for The Better-Than-Best Purim.  In the book, there is a little old lady who wants to make hamantashen with her animal friends.  Throughout the story, the little old lady asks them repeatedly for help, but her friends always make up excuses not to.  They always say no, so the little old lady makes them by herself.  When the hamantashen were done... all of the animal friends are willing to help eat them!  Will the little old lady share with them?  You need to read the book to find out.

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.
To learn more about Purim, watch What is Purim? An Introduction to the Jewish Holiday by BimBam:

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.

Better-Than-Best Hamantashen Recipe

Naomi Howland included a fun surprise at the end of the book.. the little old lady's recipe for hamantashen!  Hamantashen is a traditional food associated with Purim.  Hamantashen are triangle-shaped cookies filled with different kinds of fruit such as apricots, prunes, cherries, and poppies. Some people will also use chocolate filling. Yum!

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.

This post about Better-Than-Best is one of six in the Multicultural Kid Blog's annual Purim for Kids blog hop. Visit the posts below for great ideas about sharing this holiday with the kids in your life! 

Participating Blogs on Multicultural Kid Blogs
Moms & Crafters
Kelly's Classroom Online
Melibelle in Tokyo
All Done Monkey

Learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim and how to make hamantashen with the children's book The Better-Than-Best Purim by Naomi Howland.

Did you enjoy this blog post about Purim? If so, check out these blog posts for more books and activities about Jewish holidays: